1. Lo! the Gentile chain is broken;
Freedom's banner waves on high;
List, ye nations, by this token
Know that our redemption's nigh.
See on yonder distant mountain,
Zion's standard wide unfurled;
Far above Missouri's fountain,
Lo, it waves for all the world.
2. Freedom, peace and full salvation
Are the blessings guaranteed–
Liberty to ev'ry nation,
Ev'ry tongue, and ev'ry creed.
Come, ye Christian sects, and pagan,
Pope and Protestant and priest;
Worshiper of God, or Dagon,
Come to freedom's glorious feast.
3. Cease to persecute each other,
Join the covenant of peace;
Be to all a friend, a brother;
This will bring the world release.
Lo! the King, the great Messiah,
Prince of Peace, shall come to reign;
Sound again, ye heavenly choir,
Peace on earth, good will to men.
Source: Latter-Day Saints Congregational Hymns #72