1 Hail thee, Festival Day!
blest day that art hallowed forever;
day when the Lord from heaven
shone in the world with his grace.
2 Lo! in the likeness of fire,
on those who await his appearing,
he whom the Lord foretold
suddenly, swiftly descends. [Refrain]
3 Forth from the Father he comes
with his sevenfold mystical dowry,
pouring on human souls
infinite riches of God. [Refrain]
4 Hark! in a hundred tongues
Christ's own, his chosen apostles,
preach to a hundred tribes
Christ and his wonderful works. [Refrain]
5 Praise to the Spirit of Life,
all praise to the fount of our being,
light that now lightens all,
life that in all now abides. [Refrain]
First Line: | Lo, in the likeness of fire |
Title: | Hail Thee, Festival Day |
Latin Title: | Salve, feste dies |
Author: | Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus |
Translator: | Gabriel Gillett |
Meter: | Irregular |
Source: | Latin, 14th c.; Trans. The Engish Hymnal, 1906 |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | Hail thee, festival day |
Copyright: | Public Domain |