1 Lo, he comes, the King of glory,
With his chosen tribes to reign;
Countless hosts of saints and angels
Swell the mighty conq'ror's train:
Now in triumph
Sin and death are captive led.
2 See the rocks and mountains rending,
All the nations fill'd with dread:
Hark! the trump of God proclaiming
Thro' the mansions of the dead,
"Come to judgment,"
Stand before the Son of Man.
3 Hear the chief among ten thousand,
Thus address his faithful few:
"Come, ye blessed of my Father,
Heaven is prepar'd for you:
I was hungry, I was thirsty,
And ye minister'd to me."
4 But how awful is the sentence,
"Go from me, ye cursed race,
To that place of endless torment,
Never more to see my face.
I was hungry, I was thirsty,
Ye to me no mercy show'd."
5 Jesus, save a trembling sinner,
While thy wrath o'er sinners roll:
In this gen'ral wreck of nature,
Be the refuge of my soul:
Jesus, save me, Jesus save me, when the lightnings
Blaze around from pole to pole.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #736
First Line: | Lo! He comes the king of glory, With his chosen tribes to reign |
Author: | Strateer |
Copyright: | Public Domain |