1 Lo, a risen Lord we sing—Alleluia!
Once He died, love’s offering—Alleluia!
See Him Death’s dark terrors brave,
Dying, dying souls to save,
Us to rescue from the grave—Alleluia!
2 Short within the tomb His stay—Alleluia!
Death no more can hold its prey—Alleluia!
Lo, He bled to meet our need,
Rose His precious blood to plead,
Still for us doth intercede—Alleluia!
3 His the death, but ours the life—Alleluia!
Ours the vict’ry, His the strife—Alleluia!
Now by all the grief He bore,
Now by all the shame He wore,
We are His forevermore—Alleluia!
4 Lo, a risen life we bring—Alleluia!
This our love’s glad offering—Alleluia!
Souls redeemed and hearts renewed,
Wills to His sweet will subdued,
These shall speak our gratitude—Alleluia!
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #174