1 Live for others while on earth you live,
Give for others what you have to give;
Flowers do not hoard their sweet perfume,
Nor withhold the glory of their bloom.
Live for others while here you dwell,
Live for others, the good news tell!
If your life is wasted great will be your shame,
Live for others in Jesus’ name.
2 Sunshine helps to melt the winter’s snow,
Timely rains compel the grain to grow;
So a smile can banish grief and care,
And a kindly word encourage prayer. [Refrain]
3 That the world form bondage may be free,
Jesus bled and died on Calvary;
Then we cannot live for self alone,
Jesus claims our service as His own. [Refrain]
4 Look today for lost ones you may win,
Seek to turn them from the paths of sin;
Not a day need pass but some can say,
“I have found the Life, the Truth, the Way.” [Refrain]
Source: Evangelistic Songs #62