1 Little sunbeam, airy sunbeam,
Smiling brightly down,
Bathing in a wondrous glory,
Lonely vale and town,
Rays of glory, rays of brightness,
Hail, all hail to thee!
Praise we Him who gives the sunshine
unto all so free.
Ev'ry child may be a sunbeam,
Ever shining for the King,
And by words and deeds of kindness,
Other souls to Him may bring.
Let us try to b e His sunbeams
Chasing clouds of sin away,
Turning darkness into glory,
Shining for the King today.
2 Earth was wrapp'd in winter slumber,
Till from Heav'n above
Came the warm and kindly sunshine
With its kiss of love,
Now the earth awakes to gladness,
Birds begin to sing,
And in beauty all about us
Flowers upward spring. [Chorus]
3 Little deeds of love for Jesus,
Like the sunshine bright,
Fill the world with joy and beauty,
Banish sorrow's night.
Little deeds of love for Jesus
We will do each day,
Make our lives like golden sunshine,
Cheering all the way. [Chorus]
Source: The Bible School Hymnal #60