1 Listen, peoples, while I tell
What an elder race befell;
Hearken to the solemn word,
Learn obedience to the Lord.
2 Israel, erst from bondage freed,
Chosen for a holy seed,
Blessed with an unerring code,
Worshipped one eternal God!
3 He their enemies subdued,
Hearts by boundless bounties wooed,
Fed them with the finest wheat,
Milk and honey, purest treat!
4 Oft as trouble raised its cry,
Still was their protector nigh;
From His secret place He came,
Swift to rescue, slow to blame.
5 Long His pity had endured,
Long their prosperous state secured;
Till, impatient of reproof,
Impious, they disowned His truth!
6 Then, abandoned to their lust,
Sold to selfishness and dust,
Soon a ’whelming tempest came;
Swept away their place and name.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11053