1 Linger not, linger not, let us seek him in our prayer,
Let us bow at his feet, he will surely meet us there;
At the foot of the cross in the dust we all must fall;
If we ask for his love he will answer one and all.
Never, no never delay,
Never, no, never delay,
Up and be doing,
And never, no never delay.
Never, no never delay,
Never, no, never delay,
Up and be doing,
And never, no never delay.
2 Linger not, linger not, let us seek him now, today,
If we knock at the door he will never turn away;
Oh, the riches of grace that in Christ is always found!
With the fulness of joy we forever may abound. [Refrain]
3 Linger not, linger not, we can never find a reset,
For we seek a new country, a home where dwell the blest;
We will toil till our work of probation here is done,
For the crown is not ours till the victory is won. [Refrain]
Source: On Joyful Wing : A Book of Praise and Song #36