1 Like waters of a troubled sea,
Whose ragings never cease,
My soul cried out in anguish deep,
Till Jesus whispered, "Peace."
Since Jesus whispered, "Peace,"
Since Jesus whispered, "Peace";
I’m singing on life’s journey here,
Since Jesus whispered, "Peace."
2 The voice of Jesus calmed the storm
That raged and would not cease;
My soul was tossed on angry waves,
But Jesus whispered, "Peace." [Refrain]
3 The Savior carried all my grief
When He became my peace;
And now my soul is filled with joy,
For Jesus whispered, "Peace." [Refrain]
4 And now I have contentment here,
From sin I have release;
I’m singing on my way below,
Since Jesus whispered, "Peace." [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14301