1 Like music, floating on the evening air;
Like vespers, ringing out the hour of prayer;
Like echoes, answ'ring round me ev'rywhere,
My Savior's voice falls on my ear.
1 He speaks, and darkness changes into day;
he speaks, and all my sorrows flee away;
He speaks, and in my soul I hear Him say:
"I died for thee, O come to Me!"
2 As when it rose above the angry sea;
As it in love commanded: "Follow Me!"
As when it plead in dark Gethsemane,
My Savior's voice falls on my ear. [Refrain]
3 As when it spake the dead to life again;
As to the sleeping ones He called in vain;
And as it rang with His expiring pain,
My Savior's voice falls on my ear. [Refrain]
4 When earthly cares and sorrows all are past,
And at His feet my golden sheaves I cast,
I'll sing His praise forever, when at last
My Savior's voice falls on my ear. [Refrain]
Coronation Hymns, 1910