1 Like Bartimeus, we are blind,
Inwrapt in nature's night;
The grossest darkness veils ourmind,
For sin prevents the sight.
2 But lo! the Lord from heaven is come
To open sinners' eyes;
To make his wondrous mercy known,
And heal their maladies.
3 Come then, ye blind, and beg, and pray,
And in the Lord believe;
For who can tell? perhaps to-day
You may your sight receive.
4 Jesus of Naz'reth passeth by--
He is the sinner's friend;
Call on his name, and wait and cry,
He will your suit attend.
5 Should sinners say;, "Hold ye your peace,
"Nor dare to make so free,"
Then cry the more, and never cease,
"Have mercy, Lord, on me."
6 Your worthless garments leave behind;
Go to the Lord of light;
Trust in his name, however blind,
And he will give you sight.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #208