1 Like a shepherd good and kind,
The Lord is every day;
From the tempest fierce and wild,
He guards the holiest way.
Pressed against His bosom warm,
The tender lambs may lie;
There they hear no gathering storm,
They see no angry sky.
O Shepherd, kind and good,
O Shepherd, fond and true,
Do Thou our footsteps guide,
O Shepherd, kind and true.
2 Close beside the waters still,
Or in the pastures fair,
There His sheep He leads at will,
With tender loving care.
Even thro’ death’s quiet vale,
His flock may fearless go,
For His love will never fail,
His children here below. [Refrain]
3 Oh, His goodness follows us
Thro’ all our pilgrim days;
Yea, His loving care has guarded
Us thro’ devious ways.
When at last in Heaven high,
We reign with Him above,
Hallelujahs to the Lamb,
We’ll sing in strains of love. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14082