1 Lift up your voices in triumph,
Shout, shout the glad refrain,
Christ the Redeemer is coming,
Coming to earth again.
Shout, shout with joy the song,
Loud, loud the notes prolong.
Swell the strain, glad refrain,
Christ the Lord is coming again,
Wake, wake the harp and sing,
Hail, hail the mighty King,
Earth rejoice, heart and voice,
Christ the Lord is coming again.
2 Soon the glad day will be breaking,
Glad day of jubilee,
Swell swell the song of rejoicing,
Over the land and sea. [Refrain]
3 Jesus His promise fulfilling,
Comes as a mighty King,
Let us the world sound His praises,
Anthems of gladness sing. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #135