1 Lift up your ringing songs tonight,
On mountain top or shore;
For angel hearts will throb in joy,
With glad news flowing o’er.
They’re coming home, coming home,
The Savior bids them come;
Praise God, the weary, wandering ones,
The lost are coming home.
2 Some cheeks are seamed by years of sin,
And some are flushed in youth;
But all have known their need of Christ,
And all have found the truth. [Refrain]
3 From those who knew the Savior’s love,
They heard the Gospel "Come";
In Him they trust, and kept by Him,
They will no longer roam. [Refrain]
4 Hosannas ring from every voice,
They reach to Heaven’s dome;
Angels and saints, rejoice, rejoice,
The lost are coming home. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10987