1 Lift on high the banner
Of our glorious King;
Marching on rejoicing,
As His praise we sing;
Jesus leads us onward,
In the bright and shining way,
To eternal mansions,
In the realms of endless day.
Lift up His royal banner,
High let it wave,
Telling to all lands and nations
Jesus died to save!
2 Ever on and upward,
In His footsteps bright,
In His love abiding,
Walking in the light;
Onward thro’ the sunshine,
Onward, onward thro’ the shade,
While He goes before us,
We will never be afraid. [Refrain]
3 Crowns of fadeless glory,
Garments white and fair,
In the bright forever,
Shall the faithful wear;
There in all His beauty,
Christ our Savior we shall see,
And His love and mercy
Laud and praise eternally. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #4