1 Life of the world! I hail thee;
Hail, Jesus, Saviour dear!
I to thy cross could yield me,
Might I to thee be near.
Thyself, in all thy fullness,
My Lord, to me impart:
To thee I come as with me,
Yea, find thee in my heart.
2 Look on me, All-Forgiving!
Low at thy feet I bow:
Oh, all-divine thou seemest,
As I behold thee now!
I clasp with tender passion,
Thy feet, so pierced for us,
The cruel wombs deep graven,
O'erwhelmed to see thee thus!
3 While here with thee I linger,
Take me, dear Saviour mine!
Oh, draw me to thee closer,
And make me wholly thine;
Say, "Be thou saved, O sinner!"
And gladly at thy call,
On thy sure word relying,
To thee I give my all.
Source: Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs ancient & modern (Abr. ed.) #215