1 Life, love and labor,
For our Lord and Saviour,
This be our motto, this our earnest pray’r;
His love possessing,
We have found a blessing,
He hath redeemed us, we His people are.
Gladly, joyfully one and all we bring
Hearts of loyalty to our Heav’nly King;
Life, love and labor,
For our Lord and Saviour,
This our inspiration, this the song we sing.
2 Life, love and labor,
For our Lord and Saviour,
Witness for Him we humbly, truly give;
Our way pursuing,
And our vows renewing,
Daily we witness that for Him we live. [Refrain]
3 Life, love and labor,
For our Lord and Saviour,
Leading the lost ones to His mercy-seat,
Till at the portal
Of the land immortal,
We lay our trophies at the Saviour’s feet. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #75