1 Let us now our voices raise,
Wake the day with gladness;
God Himself to joy and praise
Turns our human sadness;
Joy that martyrs won their crown,
Opened heaven's bright portal,
When they laid the mortal down
For the life immortal.
2 Never flinched they from the flame,
From the torment never;
Vain the tyrant’s sharpest aim,
Vain each fierce endeavor:
For by faith they saw the land
Decked in all its glory,
Where triumphant now they stand
With the victor’s story.
3 Up and follow, Christian men!
Press through toil and sorrow;
Spurn the night of fear, and then,
O the glorious morrow!
Who will venture on the strife;
Who will first begin it?
Who will grasp the Land of Life?
Warriors, up and win it!
Source: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #546
First Line: | Let us now our voices raise |
Author: | St. Joseph the Hymnographer |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |