1 Let us not worry when trouble-clouds form,
Jesus is watching His own;
Safe He will keep us thro’ every storm,
Jesus is watching His own.
Jesus is watching His own,
Anxiously watching His own;
Safe are our souls in the arms of His love;
Jesus is watching His own.
2 Let us not think we shall fall in despair,
Jesus is watching His own;
Sure He will help us each trial to bear,
Jesus is watching His own. [Chorus]
3 Let us not tremble when evil we meet,
Jesus is watching His own;
Sure He will help us the foe to defeat,
Jesus is watching His own. [Chorus]
4 Dread not the waters of death’s chilling sea,
Jesus is watching His own;
Close to our souls all the way He will be,
Jesus is watching His own. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #131