Display Title: Let Us Go Rejoicing First Line: Let us go rejoicing Tune Title: POINT HILL Author: Bob Hurd, b. 1950 Meter: Scripture: Psalm 122 Date: 2012 Subject: Biblical Names and Places | David; Biblical Names and Places | Israel; Biblical Names and Places | Jerusalem; Church Year | Advent; Church Year | Lent; Church Year | Pentecost; Daily Prayer | Midday Prayer; Elements of Worship | Gathering; Faith | ; Freedom | ; God | Trust in; God as | Refuge; God's | Forgiveness; God's | Friendship; God's | Glory; God's | House; God's | Judgments; God's | Justice; God's | law; God's | Love; God's | Presence; God's | Safety; God's | Will; Grace | ; Gratitude | ; Healing | ; Hymns of Praise | ; Jesus Christ | Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ | Incarnation; Love | ; Occasional Services | Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Peace | ; People of God / Church | Family of God; Prayer | ; Processions | ; Rejoicing | ; Rest | ; Songs of Zion | ; Temple | ; Temptation And Trial | ; The Incarnation | ; Unity and Fellowship | ; Unity of the Church | ; Worship | ; Year A, Advent, 1st Sunday |
Psalms for All Seasons #122E