1 Let us all unite to sing
Grateful praises to our King;
With the blest angelic throng
Swell the chorus loud and long.
Gloom and sadness cannot stay,
When in Jesus’ name we pray,
And our cheerful voices raise
To His throne in lofty praise.
Keep your heart a-singing all the while,
Keep your heart a-singing all the while,
Make the world far brighter with your smile,
Keep your heart a-singing all the while.
2 Children of our glorious King,
Let us now love’s message bring,
Tell of One who maketh whole
Ev’ry poor despairing soul;
If we each will do his part,
We may help some soul to start,
And to join us while we sing
Grateful praises to our King. [Chorus]
3 Over mountain, hill and plain,
Swell the sweet and glad refrain;
Let the song rise on the wing;
Angels listen while we sing.
Sacred music speaketh rest
To the heavy laden breast;
Let us, then, glad voices raise
To the throne in grateful praise. [Chorus]
Source: Great Tabernacle Hymns #104