1 Let us adore the grace that seeks
To draw our hearts above!
Attend, 'tis God the Savior speaks,
And every word is love.
2 So holy, just and pure his throne,
Each angle veils his face,
A people still he calls his own,
Amongst our sinful race.
3 Careless, awhile, thy live in sin,
Enslaved to Satan's power;
But they obey the call divine,
In his appointed hour.
4 "Come forth, he says, no more pursue,
The path that leads to death;
Look up, bleeding Savior view,
Look, and be saved by faith.
5 "My sons and daughters you shall be,
Through the atoning blood;
And you shall claim, and find in me,
A Father and a God."
6 Lord, speak these words to every heart,
By thine all-powerful voice;
That we may now fro sin depart,
And make thy love our choice.
7 If now we learn to seek thy face,
By Christ the living way;
We'll praise thee for this hour of grace,
Through an eternal day.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799