1 “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so:”
Tell to the world if we’re saved;
Tell if the Saviour doth satisfy now
All that our spirit hath craved.
Are we saved? Wondrously saved?
Saved and redeemed? Then say so;
Are we saved? Blessedly saved,
Give God the glory, and say so!
2 “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so:”
Have we been cleansed from all sin?
Washed and made white thro’ the blood of the Lamb?
Have we the witness within?
Are we saved? Wondrously saved?
Saved and redeemed? Then say so;
Are we saved? Blessedly saved,
Give God the glory, and say so!
3 “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so:”
Have we the Comforter now?
Has he come into our hearts to abide?
Does he his comfort bestow?
Are we saved? Wondrously saved?
Saved and redeemed? Then say so;
Are we saved? Blessedly saved,
Give God the glory, and say so!
4 “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so:”
Have we the peace in our heart?
Peace like a river that constantly flows,
Gladness and joy to import?
I am saved! Wondrously saved!
Saved and redeemed; I say so!
I am saved! Blessedly saved,
Give God the glory, I say so!
Source: The Best of All: complete #S13