1 Let the Holy Spirit lead me,
For my love I wish to show,
And wherever you may need me,
I am ready, Lord, to go.
Take ma anywhere, take me anywhere,
I am ready, Lord, to go;
On the land or sea, I’ll gladly follow Thee,
Thou wilt care for me, I know.
2 I have promised to be loyal,
And shall keep the word I gave;
Till the end of life the banner
Royal over me shall wave. [Refrain]
3 Lead me to the lowlands dreary,
Rugged heights let me ascend;
Tho’ at times my soul be weary,
I will follow to the end. [Refrain]
4 Naught my purpose here shall alter,
I will ev’ry battle win;
I will waver not nor falter,
Till I conquer ev’ry sin. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 2 #53