1 Let nothing divide us, dear Saviour,
Let never a thing intervene;
A oneness of mind all-controlling
Between us be evermore seen.
Let nothing divide, Let nothing divide,
No, never! No, never a thing;
Let nothing divide, Let nothing divide,
To Thee, dear Saviour, I cling.
2 AS the branch of the Vine is united,
And knows but the life it will gain,
So would I be joined to Thee—Jesus
Now take me, and set up Thy reign. [Refrain]
3 The chill of this world, like the frost-work
That vanishes fast from the Sun,
Must yield to Thy life-giving presence:
For Thou art now claiming Thine own. [Refrain]
4 Who’ll sever the nuptials completed,
Whilst Thou art my Keeper and Love?
What princes or powers can harm me,
Whilst in Thee, and by Thee I move? [Refrain]
5 Oh, bring out Thine Image in beauty
Upon my whole being within;
And may I in walk and in duty
Reveal Thee, my Saviour from sin. [Refrain]
Source: Beulah Songs: a choice collection of popular hymns and music, new and old. Especially adapted to camp meetings, prayer and conference meetings, family worship, and all other assemblies... #119