A Collection of Sacred Song #34(P38)
Display Title: Let me with light and truth be bless'd First Line: Let me with light and truth be bless'd Date: 1861
A Collection of Sacred Song #34(P38)
1 Let me with light and truth be bless’d;
Be these my guides to lead the way,
Till on Thy holy hill I rest,
And in Thy sacred temple pray.
2 Then will I there fresh altars raise
To God, who is my only joy;
And well-tuned harps, with songs of praise,
Shall all my grateful hours employ.
3 Why then cast down, my soul? and why
So much oppress’d with anxious care?
On God, thy God, for aid rely,
Who will thy ruin’d state repair.
Source: Gloria Deo: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public Worship in all Departments of the Church #500
First Line: | Let me with light and truth be blessed |
Meter: | |
Source: | Tate & Brady |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |