1 Let me, thou sovereign Lord of all,
Low at thy footstool humbly fall;
And while I feel affliction’s rod,
Be still and know that thou art God.
2 Let me not murmur nor repine,
Under these trying strokes of thine;
But while I walk the mournful road
Be still and know that thou art God.
3 When and wherever thou shalt smite;
Teach me to own thy sovereign right;
And underneath the heaviest load,
Be still and know that thou art God.
4 Still let this truth support my mind,
Thou canst not err nor be unkind;
And thus approve thy chastening rod,
And know thou art my Father, God!
5 When this afflicted soul shall rise
To ceaseless joys above the skies,
I shall, as ransomed by thy blood,
For ever sing, “Thou art my God!”
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #275