1 Let me love thee, thou art claiming
Every feeling of my soul;
Let that love, in power prevailing,
Render thee my life, my all.
For life’s burdens they are easy,
And life’s sorrows lose their sting,
If they’re carried, Lord, to please thee,
If their pain thy smile should win.
Let me love thee, Saviour,
Take my heart for ever;
Nothing bur thy favour
My soul can satisfy.
2 Let me love thee, come revealing
All thy love has done for me.
Help my heart, so unbelieving,
By the sight of Calvary.
Let me see thy love, despising
All the shame my sin has brought,
By thy torments realising
What a price my pardon bought.
3 Let me love thee, I am gladdest
When I’m loving thee the best;
For in sunshine or in sadness
I can find in thee my rest.
Love will soften every sorrow,
Love will lighten every care,
Love unquestioning will follow,
Love will triumph, love will dare.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #503