1 Let me go where saints are going,
To the mansions of the best;
Let me go where my Redeemer
Has prepared his people's rest:
I would gain the realms of brightness,
Where they dwell forevermore;
I would share the joys that wait me
Over on the other shore.
Let me go, 'tis Jesus calls me,
Let me gain the realms of day;
Bear me over, angel pinions,
Longs my soul to be a-way.
2 Let me go where none are weary,
Where is raised no note of woe;
Let me go and bathe my spirit
In the rapture angels know:
Let me go, for bliss eternal
Lures my soul away, away,
And the victor's son triumphant
Thrills my heart, I cannot stay.
3 Let me go, why should I tarry?
What has earth to bind me here?
What but cares and toils and sorrows?
What but death and pain and fear?
Let me go, for hopes that cherished,
Blasted round me often lie:
Here I've gathered brightest flowers
But to see them fade and die.
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #504