1 Let Jesus have his way,
Dear Savior of the lost;
Come, yield thyself to him today,
Whatever be the cost.
Let Jesus have his way,
Nor dare to trust your own;
Their steps can never go astray
Who follow him alone.
Let Jesus have his way,
Let Jesus have his way;
Their steps can never go astray
Who follow him alone.
2 Let Jesus have his way,
Whose will is always best;
Their confidence he’ll ne’er betray
Who put him to the test.
Let Jesus have his way,
If at the throne of grace
You’d find acceptance when you pray,
And see our Father’s face. [Refrain]
3 Let Jesus have his way,
He sends no needless pain;
To toil, to rest, to go, or stay,
To suffer or to reign.
Let Jesus have his way,
And great shall be thy peace;
Rest in his love, his voice obey,
And all resistance cease. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #105