1 Let go, and let God have His way with thee,
Delivered from sin, He would have thee be;
“He’s able to save to the uttermost.”
Let go, and be “filled with the Holy Ghost.”
Let go, let go,
Let go, and let God have His way with thee;
Let go, let go,
Let go, and let God have His way with thee.
2 Let go, and let God have His way with thee,
O struggle no more, hear His say, “Be free;”
Thine all gladly yield to His will divine,
Let go, and be filled with His love sublime. [Refrain]
3 Let go, and let God have His way with thee,
What wonders in grace then thine eyes shall see;
The Spirit’s indwelling thy life shall crown,
Let go, and the power will then come down. [Refrain]
4 Let go, and let God have His way with thee,
“The pow’r to witness, receive,” saith He;
The blessing of cleansing and “perfect love,
Will fit thee for service and heav’n above. [Refrain]
Source: Full Redemption Songs #166