1 Let Earth and Ocean know
They owe their Maker Praise;
Praise him, ye watry Worlds below
And Monsters of the Seas.
2 From Mountains near the Sky
Let his high Praise resound,
From humble Shrubs and Cedars high
And Vales and Fields around.
3 Ye Lions of the Wood,
And tamer Beasts that graze,
Ye live upon his daily Food,
And he expects your Praise.
4 Ye Birds of lofty Wing,
On high his Praises bear;
Or sit on flowry Bows, and sing
Your Maker's Glory there.
5 Ye creeping Ants and Worms,
His various Wisdom seow,
And Flies in all your shining Forms,
Praise him that drest you so.
6 By all the Earth-born Race
His Honours be exprest;
But Saints, that know his heav'nly Grace
Shou'd learn to praise him best.
Source: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns #C.VIIb