1 Lead on, King of Love,
and keep thine own from straying
Away from the path
that leads to light and thee!
Thy voice may we hear,
in gentle accents saying,
"Fear not, for I thy guide
and strength shall surely be."
Lord, we would follow thee
All the way, day by day;
Our hand shall clasp thine own,
Nor would we stray,
Onward and upward, heaven discerning,
Over the hills of time!
Lead thou in safety all who are pressing
On to heights sublime.
2 Lead on, day by day!
Where'er our steps be falling;
Thy voice, ever kind,
shall guide our weary feet;
Sweet rest comes at last,
with angel voices calling
Our souls redeemed to enter
into rest complete. [Chorus]
3 Lead on! Tho' the way
be fill'd with toil and sorrow;
Tho' hope nearly gone,
and faith be weak and frail;
Lead on! For the light
bespeaks a glad tomorrow,
And faith renewed
by fervent pray'r shall never fail. [Chorus]
4 Lead on! For the vale
shall glow with light supernal;
No fear shall we know
for Jesus waits us there;
His love all the way
shall point to life eternal,
Where saints redeemed shall dwell
in mansions bright and fair. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #44