1 Lead me, O my Savior, lead me,
To the fountain’s crystal flow;
Wash me, O my Savior, wash me;
Make me white as snow.
Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Wash me, O my Savior, wash me;
Make me white as snow.
2 Guide me, O my Savior guide me,
For I know not where to go;
Guide me to the crystal fountain,
Make me white as snow. [Refrain]
3 Teach me, O my Savior, teach me,
More Thy love to others show;
Teach me how to better serve Thee
Make me white as snow. [Refrain]
4 Keep me, O my Savior, keep me,
From temptation here below;
Keep me, O my Savior, keep me,
Keep me white as snow. [Refrain]
Source: Make Christ King: a selection of high class gospel music for use in general worship and special evangelistic meetings #194