1 Lay all on the altar for Jesus tonight,
If you would rejoice in the fullness of light.
He waits to receive you, He’s waited all day;
Oh grieve not the Spirit by further delay!
Lay all on the altar for Jesus tonight;
Lay all on the altar for Jesus tonight.
2 Lay all on the altar for Jesus tonight;
Each sin-burden’d soul doth the Saviour invite.
His heart is so loving, His mercy so free,
He would not refuse you; oh come, come today! [Refrain]
3 Lay all on the altar for Jesus tonight;
His yoke is so easy, His burden so light.
The ransom He paid to redeem you from sin;
Withhold not your life, it belongeth to Him! [Refrain]
4 Lay all on the altar for Jesus tonight;
The Father is waiting the record to write,
And lov'd ones in heaven are waiting to hear
That you have escaped fro the bondage of fear. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 4 #176