1 Laden'd with Guilt, Sinners arise,
And view your bleeding Sacrifice,
Each purple Drop proclaims there's Room,
And bids the Poor and Needy come.
2 Beneath your Crimes the Victim stood,'
Sign'd your Acquittances in Blood,
Hereby stern Justice is appeas'd,
Sinners look up and be releas'd.
3 Mercy, Peace, Truth, and Righteousness,
Beam from the Reconciler's Face:
Here Look, till Love dissolve our Heart,
And bid your slavish Fears depart.
4 O quit the World's delusive Charms,
And quickly fly to Jesus' Arms;
Wrestle until your God is known,
Till you can call the Lord your own.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: intended for the edification of sincere Christians of all denominations #XXII