1 Keep thy faith and youthful vigor,
Keep thy faith!
See the goal from heaven beaming,
Wave God's banner, bright streaming!
Keep thy faith!
2 Press thou on in youthful spirit,
Press thou on!
Lo, the goal from heaven beckons,
And thy Savior with thee reckons,
Press thou on!
3 Run the course, though faint and weary,
Run the course!
Though the road o'er stones be leading,
And thy feet from wounds are bleeding,
Run the course!
4 Pray to God for strength and courage,
Pray to God!
Pray that Jesus will not fail thee,
When temptations hard assail thee;
Pray to God!
5 O what prize! The course is finished,
O what prize!
See the home in heavenly places,
See the angels' happy faces,
O what prize!
Source: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #325