1 Keep me, blessed Savior, keep me
In thy loving care;
May I, in the time of sorrow,
Find a refuge there.
Keep me, blessed Savior, keep me,
Safely evermore;
Stay beside me all the journey,
Till I reach the golden shore.
2 Keep me, blessed Savior, keep me
Safe from all alarms;
When the storms of life are raging,
Safe within thine arms. [Refrain]
3 Keep me, blessed Savior, keep me
Near thy bleeding side;
When the tempter’s pow’r assails me,
May I there abide. [Refrain]
4 Keep me, blessed Savior, keep me
Till this life is o’er;
Then be thou the first to greet me
On the heav’nly shore. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday-School Praises: prepared especially for use in the Sunday-School #93