1 Judge me, O Lord, for walk I do
In mine integrity:
Upon the Lord I trust also,
Slide therefore shall not I.
2 Search me, O Lord, prove me likewise,
My reins and my heart try:
3 Because thy grace is 'fore mine eyes,
And in thy truth walk I.
4 With persons vain I have not sat,
Nor with dissemblers gone:
5 Church of malignants I do hate,
And sit the wicked from.
6 In cleanness wash my hands I will,
So lord thy altar round.
7 With thankful voice that I may tell,
And all thy wonders sound.
8 Thy house's habitation dear,
O Lord in love have I,
The place and tabernacle where
Resides thy majesty.
9 Let not my soul with sinners lie,
With men of blood my life:
10 In whose hands guile, and bribery
In their right hand is rife.
11 Redeem and pity me, for I
Walk in mine uprightness:
My foot stand right the Lord will I
In Church-assembly bless.
The Psalm, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament, 1742