1 Judge me, O Lord, for I the paths
of righteousness have trod;
I cannot fail, who all my trust
repose on thee, my God.
2, 3 Search thou my heart, whose innocence
will shine, the more 'tis try'd;
For I have kept thy grace in view,
and made thy truth my guide.
4 I never for companions took
the idle or profane;
No hypocrite, with all his arts,
could e'er my friendship gain.
5 I hate the busy, plotting crew,
who make distracted times;
And shun their wicked company,
as I avoid their crimes.
6 I'll wash my hands in innocence,
and bring a heart so pure,
That, when thy ltar I approach,
my welcome shall secure.
7, 8 My thanks I'll publish there, and tell
how thy renown excels;
That seat affords me most delight,
in which thy honour dwells.
9 Pass not on me the sinners' doom,
who murder make their trade;
10 Who others rights, by secret bribes,
or open force, invade.
11 But I will walk in paths of truth,
and innocence pursue;
Protect me therefore, and to me
thy mercies, Lord, renew.
12 In spite of all assaulting foes,
I still maintain my ground;
And shall survive amongst thy saints,
thy praises to resound.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship #XXVI