1 Joyous songs of praise we will gladly raise,
For co-laborers with God are we,
Thankful for the triumphs gained,
Grateful for the heights attained,
Thro’ the Lord, who still our strength will be.
We will sing a song of glad rejoicing,
We will labor on with strength renewed;
We will give our God the glory,
Praise his name and tell the story
While our lives show forth our gratitude.
2 Sweetest songs of love to our King above,
Shall arise from spirits glad and free,
Pressing t’wards the goal he set,
We will not his aid forget,
Who has helped us win each victory. [Refrain]
3 Thankful hearts and true, all their tasks will do,
For the Savior’s yoke makes labor light,
Trusting in his strength and pow’r,
We grow stronger every hour,
As we bravely strive to do the right. [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #92