1 Joyfully march along, and shout the song
To the earth's remotest bound,
"Salvation's come, the wand'rer's home,
The lost one now is found;"
Rejoice! rejoice! with heart and voice;
Repeat the welcome sound!
With songs of joy, Your tongues employ,
And repeat the welcome sound;
Salvation's come! the wand'rer's home,
The lost one now is found!
2 Wanderer, far away from love today,
In the sea of sin so low,
A call from home now bids you "come,"
Arise and say "I'll go;"
A crown of life is waiting there,
And raiment white as snow! [Chorus]
3 Joyfully angels bring the signet ring
Of a Father's pard'ning grace,
And royal fare, they now prepare,
Before His smiling face,
Away with fears! away with tears!
Receive His fond embrace! [Chorus]
4 Heavenly home! sweet home! we soon shall roam
Thro' thy realm of beauty rare,
With angel throng, join in the song
Of joy beyond compare.
"Redeemer!" "King" forever sing
The loved ones gathered there! [Chorus]
Source: Revival Praises #59