1 Join we all with one accord;
praise we all our common Lord;
for we all have heard his voice,
all have made his will our choice.
Join we with the saints of old,
no more strangers in the fold,
one the Shepherd who us sought,
one the flock his blood has bought.
2 One our Master, one alone,
none but Christ as Lord we own;
"brethren of his law" are we —
“As I loved you, so love ye.”
Branches we in Christ, the Vine,
living by his life divine;
as the Father with the Son,
so, in Christ, we all are one.
3 One the name in which we pray,
one our Savior day by day;
with one cup and with one bread
thus one cov'nant way we tread.
One in spirit, one in life,
one amid earth’s frequent strife,
one in faith and one in love,
one in hope of heav'n above.
Source: Moravian Book of Worship #525