1 Jesus will keep me by power divine,
He will uphold me and He will defend;
I could but fail, for what weakness is mine!—
Jesus will keep me true to the end.
Jesus will keep me true to the end,
Oh, what a wonderful Saviour and Friend!
On Him alone I can safely depend,—
Jesus will keep me true to the end.
2 Changeless His loves is, and strong is His arm,
Boundless the grace that my way doth attend;
Why should I fearful be, filled with alarm?—
Jesus will keep me true to the end. [Chorus]
3 His grace sufficient is promised alway;
None can the reach of His love comprehend;
He, even He, is my strength and my stay;—
Jesus will keep me true to the end. [Chorus]
4 Jesus will keep me when dangers surround,
Keep me until to His throne I ascend;
Others in Him have their victory found,—
Jesus will keep me true to the end. [Chorus]
Source: The Service Hymnal: Compiled for general use in all religious services of the Church, School and Home #227