1 Jesus while walking on the earth, on the earth;
Jesus while walking on the earth,
Jesus while walking on the earth, on the earth,
They said he was a spy.
He healed the sick and raised the dead, raised the dead;
He healed the sick and raised the dead, raised the dead;
He healed the sick and raised the dead, raised the dead;
Go thou and prophesy.
2 While walking by the sinful crowd, sinful crowd;
He heard a woman cry:
If I can but his garments touch, garments touch,
I’ll go and prophesy. [Chorus]
3 He turned around about to see, about to see,
And anguish filled his eye:
Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole, made thee whole,
Go thou and prophesy. [Chorus]
4 He called Lazarus from the dead, from the dead,
And many there stood by;
Now loose the man and let him go, let him go,
That he may prophesy. [Chorus]
5 He said to Peter, James, and John, James and John,
’Tis written, I must die;
To shed my blood on Calvary, on Calvary,
Go thou and prophesy. [Chorus]
6 I’ll bid the dying sinners live, sinners live,
To lift my name on high.
Eternal life is mine to give, mine to give,
Go thou and prophesy. [Chorus]
7 Three dreadful hours he hung in pain, hung in pain,
He bowed his head and died.
They said, This was the son of God, son of God,
Go thou and prophesy. [Chorus]
8 The angels play the golden harps, golden harps,
They sing his praise on high.
The notes then charm the dead that sleep, dead that sleep,
Go thou and prophesy. [Chorus]
Source: A Collection of Revival Hymns and Plantation Melodies #16