1 Jesus, we bless thy pow'r;
Thy grace, we honour more;
Such love as thine, it must subdue
To worship, love, adore.
2 The blind, the dumb, the deaf
A word, a touch relieves;
The wither'd arm, at thy command
New strength, O Lord, receives.
3 Lepers, who long had groan'd
Beneath the weight of pain;
The palsied limbs—the dying—dead—
Are all made whole again.
4 Legions of hell, obey
Thy dread, almighty word;
The Jews and Gentiles dispossest,
Give glory to the Lord.
5 Come, great Physician, come!
In spirit, Christ, display
Thy healing, cleansing, gracious pow'rs,
And take av'n death away.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CXXIII