1 Jesus, 'tis thine to seek,
'Tis thine to save by grace,
The ruin'd, wand'ring, lost, undone,
Of Adam's guilty race.
2 No height, nor depth of sin,
Of wretchedness, nor woe,
Precluded, Lord, thy boundless love,
To helpless man below.
3 Deep as our depths of guile,
Didst thou, O Christ, descend;
And lo, the prodigal is found,
Of his Almighty friend.
4 Come, grateful sinners, coe
The Seeker, Saviour, laud;
Forever bless his gracious name;
And praise the loving God.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCXL