1 Jesus, thy Name we praise!
To thee our Songs we raise:
Hail! holy Lamb;
Thou hast redeem'd us,
Greatly esteem'd us,
Witness thy Sacrifice, Torment and Shame.
2 When we were lost to Sin,
Unholy and unclean,
Unmeet for God:
Wond'rous Redemption!
Glorious Exemption
Now, and for-ever, from Hell, by thy Blood!
3 When thou didst Man become,
Our State thou didst assume,
Thou was made Sin;
All our Uncleanness
Spirit'al Leanness,
Lust, Pride, and Enmity thou didst take in.
4 Thou wast made Man, with all
His Mis'ries by the Fall;
Faithful to God;
Greatly enduring
All the Out-pouring
Of infinite Punishment, suff'ring to Blood.
5 Humbling thyself to Death,
Thou didst resign thy Breath,
Tortur'd with Pain:
God had declared
Man once ensnared
Surely should die the Death; this was Sin's Gain.
6 Here was our Sin destroy'd;
Our Enemies annoy'd,
When Jesus dy'd
Sighing, and groaning,
Bleeding atoning,
Sin was condemned and slain in his Side.
7 When the third Morn was come,
Then didst thou leave the Tomb;
Ceas'd all thy Woes;
Bravely victorious,
Heavenly glorious,
Openly triumphing over thy Foes.
8 Lo! hence our Joys begin,
We see thee, without Sin,
Holy and bright;
Perfect Salvation,
Thy Resurrection for Man brought to Light.
9 'Twas then the Father spake,
His awful Silence brake,
Thou art my Son,
Holy for-ever,
Worthy my Favour,
Only begotten, come sit on my Throne.
10 Hail! Son of Mary, hail!
Our Songs shall neve fail
Whilst Grace doth shine:
Deep Adoration
Thy Congregation
Ever shall pay thee, thou Saviour divine.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #I.LXVIII