1 Jesus, thy love unbounded,
So full, so sweet, so free,
Leaves all our thoughts confounded
Whene'er we think of thee.
For us thou cam'st from heaven,
For us didst bleed and die,
That, ransomed and forgiven,
We might ascend on high. A-men.
2 We know that thou hast bought us,
And washed us in thy Blood;
We know thy grace hath brought us
As kings and priests to God,
We know that the blessèd morning,
Long looked for, draweth near,
When we, at thy returning,
In glory shall appear.
3 O let thy love constrain us
To give our hearts to thee;
Let nothing please or pain us,
Apart, O Lord, from thee;
Our joy, our one endeavor,
Through suffering, conflict, shame,
To serve thee, gracious Saviour,
And magnify thy Name.
Source: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #401