1 O Jesus, Source of calm repose,
Thy like no man nor angel knows,
Fairest among ten thousand fair!
E'en those whom death's sad fetters bound,
Whom thickest darkness compassed round,
Find light and life, if Thou appear.
2 Renew Thine image, Lord, in me,
Lowly and gentle may I be;
No charms but these are to Thee dear:
No anger may'st Thou ever find,
No pride, in my unruffled mind,
But faith and heaven-born peace, be there.
3 A patient, a victorious mind
That life and all things cast behind,
Springs forth obedient to Thy call,
A heart that no desire can move,
But still to praise, believe, and love,
Give me, my Lord, my Life, my All!
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #486